15th Anniversary as a Qlik partner
Besoftware, on the occasion of its 15th Anniversary as a partner of Qlik – a leading company in Business Intelligence solutions – received recognition from this company for its extensive experience and experience in the development and implementation of solutions for customers.
This is Mulu, a friend of Proyecthiopia for years. He is in the university scholarship program and studies Marketing in Addis. Yesterday he received his first Christmas gift.
Proyecthiopia presents its university scholarship program. We are delighted to collaborate with Proyecthiopia in this fantastic project!
We are delighted to collaborate with Proyecthiopia in this fantastic project!
You can also collaborate as a volunteer or sponsor
Free Java and Python course
Imminent start date – Last places !!!
The best qualifications will have practically assured their hiring.
If you meet the requirements to be registered in the National Youth Guarantee System, do not hesitate to register.
Requirements for the National Juvenile Guarantee System (it is a mere administrative procedure, it is done on the spot):
- Have Spanish nationality or be citizens of the Union or of the States Party to the European Economic Agreement or Switzerland that are in Spain in exercise of free movement and residence. Foreigners who hold an authorization to reside in Spanish territory who qualify for work may also register.
- Be registered in any locality of the Spanish national territory.
- Have more than 16 years and less than 25, or less than 30 years, in the case of people with a degree of disability equal to or greater than 33 percent, at the time of applying for enrollment in the National Youth Guarantee System. In addition, those over 25 and under 30 when, at the time of requesting registration in the file of the National Youth Guarantee System, the unemployment rate of this group is equal to or greater than 20 percent, according to the Survey of Active Population corresponding to the last quarter of the year.
- Not having worked on the calendar day prior to the filing date of the application.
- Not having received educational actions on the calendar day prior to the date of submission of the application.
Not having received training actions on the calendar day prior to the date of submission of the application. - Submit a written declaration of interest to participate in the National Youth Guarantee System, acquiring a commitment to participate actively in the actions carried out within the framework of the Youth Guarantee. In the case of job seekers, their registration in the public employment services will suffice.
For more information, contact our Selection Department by sending an email to or by calling 952 313 759
Erp and Crm Day
We are waiting for you on Wednesday, November 15, 2017
at the North Convention Center of IFEMA ( Madrid )
Digitization and best treasury practices
We invite you to an exclusive meeting in which prestigious speakers will share their experiences in the fields of digital marketing and business management.
We are waiting for you on Tuesday, October 24, 2017
in the CEM (Confederation of Employers of Malaga)
Calle San Lorenzo, 20, 29001 Málaga
09:45 h. Registration of attendees
10:00 h. Welcome and presentation of the event
José María Vassallo Saavedra, Socio fundador y CEO de Besoftware.
10:15 h. Psychology of change for digital transformation
Elisardo López, socio fundador de Marcom Deli.
11:00 h. Guarantees your company’s cash flow in an environment of business growth
Juan Manzano-Monís, ex tesorero del grupo RTVE y socio de Azurriga.
11:45 h. Coffee
You can not miss a day like this!
Caterpillar Málaga Innovation Challenge 2017
Besoftware participated, with great acceptance, in the Challenge of Innovation of Caterpillar Málaga, an initiative organized in collaboration with the Council of Innovation, New Technologies and Security of the City of Malaga.
Posted by Caterpillar Malaga Demonstration and Learning Center on Friday, January 19, 2018
Besoftware presented an innovative proposal in which we show how technology can improve the customer experience.