We help you grow with data visualization and analysis software

Every time companies have more data and it is more complicated to transform them into information, so they need data visualization and analysis software. Besoftware offers several Business Intelligence or Business Intelligence tools, applications with which you can obtain relevant information to respond to your business problems and thus turn them into a competitive advantage.

Data visualization and analysis software

Power BI

With Power BI you can create and organize visual and intelligent control panels to have all the information you need in detail and make quick and accurate decisions. In addition, its great advantage is that there is no need to change software.

  • Analysis of all data wherever they are.

  • Immediate information of the real situation of the company.

  • Custom content.

  • Ability to present multiple complex data in an attractive way in a single panel.

Qlik Sense

With Qlik Sense you can easily combine all your data sources in a single visualization and you can get reports immediately. Its advantage is that you can ask new questions and create analytics without having to develop new queries or wait for experts.

  • Interactive Analysis.

  • Smart Visualizations

  • Creation and exploration on any device.

Qlik View

With Qlik View you can quickly create and deploy analytics dashboards and applications. The data is displayed in an interactive and powerful way.

  • Generación avanzada de informes

  • Integración de datos

  • Analítica guiada

  • Seguridad

  • Personalizable

Qlik NPrinting

With Qlik NPrinting you will create attractive reports with data and analytics from Qlik Sense and Qlik View. This allows the creation, distribution and programming of reports based on Qlikview documents. With this new system you can send the information to the people you want at the right time.

  • Report creation quickly and easily.

  • Reports well presented.

  • Collaboration analytics for the company.

What we offer?


Software customization tailored to your needs


Direct and personal treatment for any problem


Quality service

Other services to help your business grow

Soluciones de gestión empresarial

Herramientas que agrupa los datos de las distintas áreas de la empresa para obtener una única visión de los datos. Saber más

Soluciones de tesorería

Una visión global en tiempo real de tu cadena de valor financiero. Saber más

Marketing intelligence

Solución basada en la integración de un compendio de varias tecnologías existentes en el mercado. Saber más

Integración de aplicaciones

Proporciona a las empresas la agilidad de hacer frente a los interminables desafíos de los cambios en los negocios. Saber más

Plataforma de desarrollo

Plataforma de desarrollo de aplicaciones potente y versátil que simplifica y acelera el proceso de construcción y despliegue de aplicaciones empresariales. Saber más

Gestión de directorios

Aplicación móvil para la gestión de directorios de empresas. Saber más

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